Goat Milk For Newborn Kittens. Kittens often require supplementary feeding, and that’s where replacers of cat milk step in. Never feed kittens cow’s or goat’s milk—this causes diarrhea.

Heat the mixture just until the gelatin is dissolved and then remove it from the heat. If you do an online search, you may notice that some people recommend goat milk for kittens. I, and many other people who rescue orphan kittens, use it exclusively and have very happy healthy kittens.
Can kittens eat only canned goat milk till avle to eat on their own.
Can i feed my newborn kittens goat milk? 3 ounces goat milk from store; You may need to puncture the rubber nipple on the bottle a few times with a needle to make it easier for the kittens to suck. Never feed kittens cow’s or goat’s milk—this causes diarrhea.