Golden Tabby Siberian Cat. Golden is often confused with light and/or rufused brown cats. Why buy a siberian kitten for sale if you can adopt and save a life?

Siberian cat colors , black, blue color point, golden classic, red white tabby, blue white tabby, beautiful kittens start at $1750.00. Brown mackerel tabby with white (raja) red classic tabby (gizmo) brown classic torbie with white (karmel korn) brown mackerel torbie with white (sophie) silver mackerel tabby (faith) seal lynx point with white (dandy) seal lynx point with white (sox) brown (black) classic tabby. Litter d arrived on 19 september.
Traditional forest siberian queens angelur miledy of angel of siberia click on her name in pink for more pictures!
Siberian cat colors and coat patterns Brown (black) spotted tabby felv negative, fiv negative (done 11.28.16) description: Welcome to siberian tampa, home of the hypoallergenic color point neva masquerade siberian cats! Sharina now has a home sharina is a black golden tabby she will be looking for a safe indoor only home preferably without children other pets would be fine.