Heart Murmur In Cats Symptoms. Weight loss and decreased energy are also common symptoms. Read on to know more about heart murmur in dogs, its symptoms, and treatment.

It is a reason to have a discussion about heart disease and what it may mean for your kitty. For instance, an extracardiac condition may be present when the cat has a fever or infection, though it may occur in cats that are pregnant, obese, or emaciated as well. Some cats may not exhibit any signs at all.
There are also various stages of heart disease and congestive heart failure in cats that veterinarians use to determine severity:
Many cats with heart murmurs will live long, happy, healthy lives and never need any treatment for […] Veterinarians typically will declare the intensity of a murmur using a scale of 1 through 6, with 6 being the worst murmur. Some normal adult cats may have an intermittent heart murmur that shows up when their heart rate is increased due to stress. A heart murmur can indicate a disease of the heart muscle called cardiomyopathy, which is the most commonly acquired heart disease in cats, says bliss.