Heart Murmur In Puppies Grade 1. Puppies with low grade murmurs, for example, may require little or no treatment and the murmur may resolve itself within six months. Some murmurs stay the same for the duration of the dog’s life, some go away and others get worse with time.

Heart murmurs are graded 1 through 6 based on how loud or intense they are. This is a soft murmur that can be easily heard by a vet. If you have a new puppy or kitten:
This article explains what a heart murmur is and what the implications of having a murmur are, both good and bad.
The place where we got her from were honest to let us know that she has a heart murmur, grade 1. Heart murmur grade another tool veterinarians use to help diagnose the cause of the murmur is grading. A 1 to 2 stage. Puppies with low grade murmurs, for example, may require little or no treatment and the murmur may resolve itself within six months.