How Do Cats Get Roundworms. Roundworm eggs can be picked up when cats catch and eat infected rodents and birds. If there are a lot of worms present, this migration can cause serious inflammation or pneumonia.

If there are a lot of worms present, this migration can cause serious inflammation or pneumonia. It is possible to tell the difference between the species of roundworm based on the appearance of their eggs. Even indoor cats can be infected with worms, as you will see below, roundworms are transmitted to kittens even before they are born, indoor cats can get fleas, which come inside on people’s clothing, open doors or windows, fleas transmit tapeworm.
Sometimes that is all that will be needed.
The eggs of roundworms are detected under the microscope in a routine check of a stool sample (the test process is called fecal flotation). If there are a lot of worms present, this migration can cause serious inflammation or pneumonia. The most common period when your felines get roundworms is in her kitten phase. They ingest eggs in various ways, perhaps by being in contact with soil which contains the eggs.