How Long Can Puppies Hold Their Pee. Puppies can’t hold their bladder as long as adults. Every 3 to 4 hours.

I left him home for an hour and he peed in his crate. As your puppy grows older this time frame will start to increase, but you should never push the limits. Before leaving my house, i made him do pee in my backyard and when i came back he peed in his crate.
Every 3 to 4 hours.
Dogs might hold their feces or pee for around 1 hour for each month of their age, and the maximum limit of holding their pee is approximately 8 hours. Before leaving my house, i made him do pee in my backyard and when i came back he peed in his crate. But these are some guidelines we can use. It’s not complicated, but there are some things you can learn to help figure out how often your dog needs a bathroom break.