How Much Does It Cost To Declaw A Cat. How much does it cost to declaw a cat? Also you can buy it softpaws you glue on it's claws and it stays for 6 weeks i think.

The equipment is very expensive, so don’t be surprised if declawing cats costs $100 or so more using laser declawing than the other methods. If you must declaw, laser surgery is much better for your cat. Cost varies in a wide range and many veterinary hospitals are hesitant to give a rough estimate as the charges include charges for the recovery period also.
Altogether, the cost to declaw a cat is $200 to $800.
When considering the costs of such a procedure, it’s important to know that costs will vary based on the type of procedure you choose to have, the veterinary practice itself, and your pet. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. On average, laser cat declawing can cost anywhere from $250 to $600, depending on your veterinarian, how many claws you want to be declawed and geographical location.keep in mind that some vet offices aren’t equipped with this type of equipment since it can cost north of $50,000 to purchase the equipment alone. Even then you may be wondering how much does it cost to declaw a cat, as your cat is very naughty and will make you work too much.