How Often Do You Take A Cat To The Vet. They're all indoor cats as well. They'll check again at around 6 months, when you bring your pet in to be spayed or neutered.

The single most important reason to take your cat to the veterinarian is so the doctor can do a thorough examination on your pet routinely. This is also a good time. By the time your cat reaches 6 weeks, it can already receive the following core cat vaccinations.
Because the body changes quickly as our feline’s age, it’s important to get a senior blood panel run on your kitties above the age of 10.
My parents don't want to take them because they don't want to have tons of vet bills for healthy cats. The vet could decide to keep your kitty for a few days to give him or her enough time to examine or discharge it before offering useful advice on better handling and domestication. The vet will examine your pup or kitten to make sure they are growing well and shows no signs of an illness. Training your cat to enter the carrier could take a few hours or a few weeks.