How To Breed Cats In Minecraft. Just like when you tamed your cats, you can feed two of them uncooked cod or salmon to get them in the mood to breed. How to breed a cat.

Breeding is a game mechanic that allows mobs of the same species to breed with each other to produce offspring. Farm animals aren’t the only animal in minecraft you can breed, however—you can breed horses, donkeys, wolves, and even ocelots! Here are some reasons you might want to breed animals in your minecraft world.
You can make these by placing an apple or a carrot in the middle of a crafting table grid and then placing a gold bar in each of the remaining crafting slots.
1 mechanics 1.1 love mode 1.2 breeding foods 1.3 villagers 1.4 breeding formula 2 baby mobs 2.1 animals 2.2 monsters 2.3 other 3 achievements 4 advancements 5 history 6 issues 7 trivia 8 gallery 9 see also 10 references a cow. 1 spawning 1.1 villages 1.2 swamp hut 1.3 bedrock edition 2 drops 3 behavior 3.1 stray cat 3.2 breeding 3.3 healing 4 appearance 5 taming 5.1 teleportation 5.2 gifts 6 sounds 7 data values 7.1 id 7.2 entity data 7.2.1 cat type 7.2.2 collar color 8 achievements 9 advancements 10 history 11 issues 12 trivia 13 gallery 13.1. This means they can’t actually be bred, or breed with eachother. Breeding is a game mechanic that allows mobs of the same species to breed with each other to produce offspring.