How To Get A Cat To Drink Water. Cat tongues have spines that are hollow and curve backwards to maximize their ability to drink water. Change your cat’s water and clean the bowl at least once a day.

If your cat doesn't drink from the fountain, or tries to drink from your dog's water dish, don't yell at your cat, strike it, or place it in its cage. Tuna flavoring isn't the only flavor your cat can enjoy. A cat water fountain is another option that can encourage your cat to drink more.
This way, she won't fear.
Turns out, those sandpapery bumps are not actually bumps, and the roughness helps cats groom themselves and drink water. How to encourage your cat to drink more water: Make sure your cat can see you move the water to a new location, away from the food or litter box. Surprisingly, this trick has shown excellent results, the majority of the cats that refuse to drink water will start drinking after you have added a flavor to it.