How To Get A Puppy To Sleep Through The Night. It will take more than a few days, but consistent training and effort will make a difference. When the puppy wakes up in this type of confinement, it basically allows the puppy to walk over to an area where he isn't.

Depending on your dog's breed, age and fitness level, you may be able to tire him out in 30 minutes or 3 hours (or more). Start by establishing a good bedtime routine on the first night with your new puppy: Such a predictable routine gives a dog a sense of.
This isn’t meant to suggest that crate training is the only way to get your puppy to sleep through the night.
It can be a very effective tool, but it’s not an absolute must. Get your dog plenty of exercise. For the first first couple of weeks, it may be helpful to have your puppy in your bedroom. Alternatively, you can set up a temporary bed for yourself next to where your puppy sleeps.