How To Get Rid Of Puppy Hiccups. If your pup doesn’t stop hiccuping for several hours, contact your vet doctor immediately to see if there’s an underlying cause so you can help your dog. But if your dog or pup gets them frequently, or they linger for more than 30 minutes, or the dog is experiencing slight coughing, then it is time to go see the vet.

Puppies usually get hiccups from swallowing too much air when they eat or drink too fast. Whatever you do, don’t hide behind the next corner and intentionally frighten your dog just to get rid of the hiccups. One technique to avoid is scaring your puppy.
If you’re panicking, something is obviously wrong and the puppy will start to panic too.
Dogs often get hiccups when they gobble down their food in a hurry. How to get rid of hiccups. Take your puppy out in the backyard or take them for a walk. Now while it’s great that your youngster has a healthy appetite, eating too quickly can cause a range of problems in addition to those hiccups, and these can include choking, gagging, and vomiting.