How To Tell If Your Cat Has Fleas. Favored spots for fleas to hide out. In severe cases of fleas, your cat may develop anemia from excess blood loss.

Small black flakes are in fact dried blood and are confirmatory signs that your cat has fleas. If your cat’s gums become pale or you notice a colour change in their skin, or if they become extremely tired and experience muscle loss, contact your vet immediately. At this point, fleas have led to a much more serious medical condition.
The eggs, larva, pupa, and adult.
You should know that these parasites can transmit many diseases to your pet; Fleas can also infect your cat with other parasites, and if left untreated, can make your cat develop allergies and other problems. You can check for flea dirt by brushing your cat in the opposite direction of hair growth. Flea bites can cause a cat’s skin and fur to feel very itchy, dr.