How To Wean Puppies At 6 Weeks. Puppies need to be with their mothers and the rest of the litter for at least 8 weeks in order to learn “how to be dogs,” and this is the case regardless of breed. We highly suggest using goats milk, preferably unpasteurized or raw milk.

By about 6 to 8 weeks, your puppy can be weaned. Although it’s often unavoidable, especially in the case of orphaned dogs , it’s preferable to allow weaning to be a gradual process that occurs over several weeks. While many puppies will be weaned by the age of 6 weeks old, weaning may still be tapering off until 8 weeks.
What to feed puppies at 6 weeks.
At 5 weeks you should soak dry food in water mush it up and then put goats milk in it. Experts consider weeks three to sixteen to be the most important time for learning appropriate dog behavior. I am considering buying a chihuahua from a breeder who is letting the pups go at 6 weeks old. Wondering how soon to wean puppies?