How To Win Catan Explorers And Pirates. Explorers & pirates is the fourth major expansion for the settlers of catan (following seafarers, cities & knights and traders & barbarians) and it includes five scenarios and three missions; Outlast trailer, you do need the settlers of catan to play with this expansion.

Like cities, port settlements are worth two victory points (vps), and the number of vps required to win depends on the scenario. In each, you explore an unknown sea by ship and build settlements on the discovered islands. Some of the scenarios make use of the missions while others do not, allowing you to mix and match for maximum variety and replayability.
Deskripsi catan explorers & pirates expansion board game.
Some of the scenarios make use of the missions while others do not. In addition, under the “explorers & pirates” rules, you receive 1 gold. Catan world explorers is a new game based on four fundamental rules, harvest, trade, build & win. In “the settlers of catan” base game, your turn ends after the trade and build phase;