Interesting Facts About Cats And Dogs. From reducing stress to being loyal companions, our pets are precious little beings who manage to bring us so much pleasure and joy. Dogs can be identified by their nose print, which is as unique as a human fingerprint.

We’ve rounded up 60 facts about cats to help get things started… Something about cats, especially cute kittens, never fails to pique our interest. Cats can climb up a tree with ease but coming down the same way is a challenge to them.
There are 88 million cats compared to 74.
Cats are america’s most popular pet even surpassing the dogs. [9] according to hebrew legend, noah prayed to god for help protecting all the food he stored on the ark from being eaten by rats. Vetstreet says that the answer is that dog’s noses are wet to help them absorb scent chemicals! This is a great night time toy for cats and humans because everyone likes fireflies and some of us need nightlights.