Is Cinnamon Bad For Cats. If you have a domestic pet cat and you want to use essential oils, there are several things to keep in mind to ensure the safety. However, if your cat devours a spicy meal that’s high in cinnamon, then it will soon experience the negative effects.

Cats can be extremely sensitive to smoke, which is a major factor in worsening, and perhaps even causing, cat asthma and other respiratory conditions. A quick lick from a spilled teaspoon is unlikely to cause any damage. Since they lack the enzymes for breaking down the coumarin, their organisms can’t properly digest this and other compounds found in cinnamon.
Of course, you don’t want to feed your dog table scraps or foods that have a large quantity of cinnamon, since this type of people food may leave your pet with an upset stomach.
Cats can’t break down this compound within their livers, and exposure to high concentrations of cinnamon can cause both allergic reactions and toxicity. The short answer is, yes. Cinnamon bark should be avoided for the health of your cat. After reading the beneficial effects of cinnamon, let's talk about it's use in cat's diet.