Is Lavender Toxic To Cats. The problem with essential oils is that they are concentrated, and much like a human baby, cats have a lower surface area to volume ratio and that makes certain substances much more toxic in smaller quantities. The end of june, i went to the blogpaws pet blogging conference in chandler, arizona.

According to the aspca, lavender is toxic for cats to ingest. Cats are jumpers, but if the bush blocks their line of sight as the taller lavender plants do, they are not as curious. Lavender contains a chemical called linalool that is only stronger in concentration in lavender essential oils.
I know many of my readers use lavender as a cat repeller so i switched off my catwatch deterrent and placed a potted lavender on the step.
The aspca web site also lists common house plants and household items that are toxic or dangerous to your cats and dogs. Many essential oils — including lavender oil — are toxic to cats and should never be given to cats orally or applied topically, in my opinion. However, certain forms of lavender present varying levels of danger, such as essential oils and potpourris. And don’t worry, the sleeping cat in the photo above is safe.