Jesus Rebukes Peter Sermon. Jesus likens the situation of this wicked generation to a man from whom an unclean spirit comes out. Jesus heals her on the sabbath and she begins to serve him.

We believe that god is the loving father of all kids. Peter was telling jesus, this is not going to happen. Peter, mind your own business sermon jn 21.
Yet peter did not fully know what he was saying when he first declared that jesus is the messiah — the son of david who builds god’s house (2 sam.
Paul rebukes the congregation of corinth (1corinthians 11:17. It is his divine will that young people come to faith in jesus christ and find salvation through the gospel and the work of the holy spirit to bring them to faith. He rebukes jesus, pulls him aside, we're never going to let that happen to you. and then of course, jesus rebukes peter and says, get behind me, satan. one of the strongest rebukes in all of scripture, and tells him, you're not a help, you're a hindrance to me. Jesus also says that by her example, the queen of sheba will likewise denounce them.