Lavender And Cat Fleas. Lavender essential oil repels fleas, but doesn’t kill them. Lavender smells good to most humans, but it smells terrible to fleas.

Bugs and parasites find lavender essential oil properties hostile and as such lavender becomes one of the perfect essential oils to use on cat fleas. To help preventing ticks and fleas from your dog’s bedding, dip a cloth or cotton in lavender oil and place it on the bed. You can grow it in your garden to keep fleas away, or you can make it into a spray for your cat to naturally repel fleas.
In fact, the smell of lavender can actually help quickly get rid of fleas from your cat and prevent an infestation of these nasty pests.
I have been trying to calm a feral cat. Have a bucket with dish soap in it handy to dunk the comb in and to collect the hair. A better choice might be to use lavender on flea infested carpets and furniture, spread thinly or tucked between cushions where your cat is unlikely to ingest it. Besides the wonderful smell, lavender is great for your cat’s skin and fur and will fight off the fleas effectively.