Lavender Essential Oil Good For Cats. Much like with cedar wood, peppermint essential oil is great for keeping fleas and other pests at bay without harming your feline friend. Because of this, we researched the toxicity of essential oils to cats.
Essential oils to help with litter box smells or carpet from
If you have lavender oil in a diffuser, put it where kitty can't get. If you plan to use it, observe your cat to see if he has unexpected reactions. The good news is that it usually isn’t lethal and can be treated effectively.
What oils are safe for cats?
If you diffuse oils in your home, it should not cause a problem for your cat, as oil used in a diffuser is highly diluted (versus direct topical application or dietary supplementation). Just like in humans, lavender oil eases pain, tension and anxiety in cats. Some claim it is safe while others seem to disagree. For pets like dogs, lavender essential oil’s calming effects can be very helpful for anxiety (often induced by visits to the vet or car rides), car sickness or sleep troubles.