Lilac Cat Coat Color. The coat colour has markings of a warm pinkish grey, while the ground colour is a pale silvery lilac. Blue, lilac, fawn and cream are respectively the dilution of black, chocolate, cinnamon and red.

Up close, their agouti hairs have the standard light and dark banding standard to tabbies. We term a yellow or beige cat a cream colored cat. Although the color of the cat’s coat suggests that it is linked to the blue point, the lilac siamese cats are, in fact, the genetically diluted chocolate point.
Most red cats are males.
These felines are known for being sociable, talkative, and playful. Locket (blue locket) white spot on chest. The color chocolate (dilute lilac) must be in the genetic makeup of the cat in order for the color to be expressed. This variation of the siamese is the lightest of the four major breed colors (seal point, blue point, chocolate point, and lilac point).