Local Animal Shelters Volunteer. After all, volunteering isn't all about cleaning up poop! This is also a great opportunity for volunteers under 18 who are passionate about animals and want to spend time to volunteer at an animal shelter.

You can also visit their website to see if there's a volunteer application available. Noah’s animal house 10289 placid st. 6 reasons to volunteer at your local animal shelter or sanctuary.
This means that 90% of the animals entering their facility are not euthanized unless the animal is in untreatable pain or poses a risk to themselves or the community.
Our dogs, cats, rabbits, and other animals are in need of care, attention, walking, playing, socialization and engaging with people in order to help them find homes to go to. Sadly, 2.7 million animals are put down every year in shelters that take in animals more quickly than they can adopt them out. Don't worry, though, as there are plenty of opportunities to help out at shelters. Drive animals between the shelter and clinic.