Maine Coon Mix Cat Lifespan. These lovely cats belong to a breed that is generally healthy.their average lifespan of a maine coon cat ranges between ten to fifteen years and even more in some rare cases which are a pretty good lifespan in feline years. They need them for playing, climbing, eating, hunting and fighting.

The average lifespan of a maine coon cat is about 10 to 13 years, which is a bit on the shorter side compared to most cat breeds. Finding maine coon mix is a cheaper way to. On average, the average life expectancy of a maine coon cat is somewhere around 10 or 13 years.
However, there were some data from a study that showed a good number living to 16.5 years of more.
Never declaw your maine coon or any other cat. Most would say that maine coon cats can live for up to 12 to 15 years. Maine coon bengal mix cat like all other cats are carnivorous and therefore should be fed a diet high in protein. Socializing the kittens early can prevent your cat from becoming excessively loyal towards one person and developing other personality problems.