Male French Bulldog Vs Female. Both males and females are smart. I tell every customer to allow the dog to choose them.
blue pied french bulldog from
They usually have their own unique and often endearing resourceful way if getting what they want. While this may not seem like a big difference, it can be noticeable in a small dog like the frenchie. As you might have deducted from my previous description of the male french bulldog’s health, female frenchies are believed to be healthier than their counterparts.
While this may not seem like a big difference, it can be noticeable in a small dog like the frenchie.
Most calls for pet dogs have people wanting a ‘sweet girl’. For you male french bulldog a washable diaper is recommend, look for a broader base with a lengthier waist, so that the front of the diaper is above the penis. The name you decide on will be used day in and day out for the rest of your new companion's life. Hi, i can't speak to male vs.