Male Or Female Cats Better. At the end of the day, the truth is that all cats. Female cats are often better mousers than males.

Male cats have been known to literally break screens to get out (or in!) in order to accomplish their mission when there is a female around who is in heat. Outdoor cats or those who escape the home may roam the neighborhood looking for female cats and to protect their territory against other male cats. Deciding what gender of pet cat to choose matters because male and female cats can sometimes behave very differently.
Some health issues that affect male cats are not the same as the health issues that affect female cats, and this is often due to hormone levels.
The shape, size and distance from the anus of the genitals will give you an idea if a kitten is a boy or a girl. They will often try to escape or wander around looking for a mate during this time. In some ways male and female cats follow the same stereotype as male and female humans. Many people say that male ragdolls tend to be sweeter, but plenty of owners of female ragdoll cats would say the opposite.