Miliary Dermatitis Cat Cure. Cat flea allergy dermatitis can also present as hair loss over the rump area, which can then extend along the midline of the back, toward the neck. Other parasites such as cheyletiella (fur mites), harvest mites, lice and ear mites, can be responsible.

The cause is usually an allergy to flea bites. Miliary scabs that are associated with food allergies tend to be more concentrated. Miliary dermatitis is also referred to as miliary eczema, papulo or papular crusting dermatitis, and scabby cat disease.
These scabs are often referred to as miliary dermatitis, a term that was coined because the scabs look like millet seeds (see handout “miliary dermatitis in cats” for more information on this skin condition).
Finding a treatment that finally clears up your cat’s dermatitis. Other parasites such as cheyletiella (fur mites), harvest mites, lice and ear mites, can be responsible. The term cat dermatitis applies to a variety of feline skin conditions like rashes, bumps, scabs and lesions. The most common cause of miliary dematitis is a flea bite allergy, and since cats can be intensely allergic to a single flea bite, and since cats are great groomers and often groom off and swallow fleas.