Miliary Dermatitis Cat Fleas. Fad is most prevalent in the summer, although in warm climates flea infestations may persist throughout the year. Initially it was thought to occur in cats fed solely on fish, earning it the term “fish eater’s skin”.
Cat Flea Allergy Treatments and Home Remedies Cat fleas from
Flea bite hypersensitivity (flea allergy) this is the most common cause of feline miliary dermatitis. Even if the cat is on regular flea treatment, fleas are still a possibility due to an increase in resistance to many popular flea products. Miliary dermatitis is a veterinary term that refers to a skin condition in cats, which is commonly caused by allergic reaction.
Cats will have a very itchy rash and may lick, bite, and scratch at the affected skin.
The cat is usually very itchy and may cause damage to itself by scratching and hair pulling. Pictures of cat miliary dermatitis. Flea bite hypersensitivity (flea allergy) this is the most common cause of feline miliary dermatitis. There are some easy home remedies for cat scabs but treatment depends on what the cause of the allergic reaction is.