Miliary Dermatitis Cat Treatment. Feline miliary dermatitis is a general term used to describe a skin condition in cats that most commonly results from an allergic reaction. The most commonly affected areas include the lower spine, around the base of the tail, face, ears, neck, flanks, and belly.

Feline miliary dermatitis, or scabby cat disease, is an outward sign of some type of itchy skin condition. Resq organics claims to treat dermatitis, mange, ringworm, sores, and promotes hair growth. The terms “miliary dermatitis“refer to the appearance on the skin of a cat variable number of pustules and scabs.that is to say, it is a skin rash, frequent especially in the head, neck and back, but it is also quite frequent in the abdomen and we can observe it when shaving said area.
Feline miliary dermatitis is a general term applied to numerous symptoms of skin problems among cats.
If you notice miliary dermatitis on your cat, take it to the vet to determine the cause, because the sooner the cause is identified, the sooner the disease can be treated. Feline miliary dermatitis, or scabby cat disease, is an outward sign of some type of itchy skin condition. Feline miliary dermatitis is the term vets use when they explain the skin condition affecting a cat, as the reaction looks like tiny millet seeds on the cat’s skin.this condition is also called scabby cat disease, papulocrusting dermatitis and miliary eczema. Flea allergy is the most common reason for this condition, but other types of allergies can also be the cause, along with bacterial skin infections, ringworm, and parasites such as mites and lice.