Miliary Dermatitis Cats Home Treatment. A home remedy for military dermatitis in cats. Also called miliary eczema, papulocrusting dermatitis or scabby cat disease, miliary dermatitis is a collection of crusty skin lesions around the head, neck and back along with intense isn’t a specific disease but a disease complex.

Tiny pimples or lesions can cover a small or sometimes larger area of skin. There are many different symptoms that cats may present to the veterinary clinic with that will eventually be diagnosed as miliary dermatitis. It is also caused by bacterial or fungal infections, especially yeast infection.
This excessive behavior can irritate the skin and may eventually lead to cat fur loss.
Cats who develop the conditions that manifest as feline miliary dermatitis can show a wide array of differing symptoms. Mostly caused by an allergy to flea bites it can be successfully treated. Seek expert help whenever you suspect that your cat could be suffering from miliary dermatitis. A home remedy for military dermatitis in cats.