More Than 4 Hours Between Puppies. Puppies undergo much more rapid development than the equivalent human child; They are born with an amazing package of instincts that tie them to the dam, and more often than not, they need no interference from any human being.

Greater than four hours pass between pups and you know there are more inside. If the puppies are not gaining weight, it is generally recommended that tube feeding be introduced, or the puppy should be. The general rule of thumb is no more than 2 hrs between pups.
The first few days the puppies should nurse every 2 hours or so.
I called the vet mid day and he said some females that are super calm and relaxed just take their time and not to worry, if she passed something other than normal birthing fluids and placentas and pups, call immediately. Once it can be determined that the puppies are gaining weight and are sleeping more than 2 hours, the time between feedings can be slowly increased. #1 was born at 10 am, almost 3 hours later #2, an hour between the next 6 and 4 hours between #8 and #9 the last one. California puppies an more has updated their hours and services.