Most Expensive French Bulldog Puppies. These puppies command high fees due to their popularity. There are many types of dogs to choose from.

Frenchies are expensive because they are notoriously difficult to breed correctly. Unfortunately, the popularity of this dog breed has led to many people breeding them in numbers in puppy mills. The accepted color frenchies are usually bred with different breeds such as the chihuahuas to create the “fad/rare colors”.
Yes, you heard me right, some of these frenchies (as you’re about to see) can even cost as much as $10,000 to $100,000+.
But they also cost more than average in lifetime care. Impregnating a french bulldog can take several attempts so when you add up the costs of producing french bulldog puppies and then include their vaccination fees and food costs, you begin to understand why they are expensive to. There are pet basics to owning a dog in general, like the cost of dog food, the yearly vaccinations, cost for toys, dog crate, leash, collar and now jewelry gifts:).yet, there can be some hidden expenses if the dog has some abnormalities. Bulldogs are not the most expensive dogs to buy, but yet costly to own.