My Cat Is Limping A Little. She is a little over a year and very healthy and active. It is important that you seek medical attention for your cat as soon as possible to prevent additional complications.

If you cannot determine the cause of your cat’s limping, if your cat is limping for more than two days, or if your cat appears to have a more serious medical problem, make an appointment with your vet. It may be consistent with other symptoms, which could mean your cat has arthritis. Could that be why she's limping?
She started limping … read more
My cat was not limping last night. My cat has slept nearly all day today but when he woke up he was suddenly limping on his front left leg. Even a jump from a high bookshelf can injure an elderly (or a very small) cat, so be aware of how much access they have to high perches. It is important that you seek medical attention for your cat as soon as possible to prevent additional complications.