My Cat Is Limping After A Fight. He avoid putting pressure on the leg and moans when he moves from side to side. Common causes of limping (also known as lameness) include infections, fractures, soft tissue (ligament, muscle, or tendon) injuries, and arthritis.

If your cat winces when you touch a certain area of his leg, and is stiff, but exhibits no other signs of pain, he most likely has soft tissue trauma. In a cat’s mind, pain equates to weakness. Why is my cat limping all of a sudden yet i have done everything required of me?
She had no blood, scratches or bites on her as far as i can see, she is not licking herself.
Look at your cat’s entire body to determine where it has sustained damage. When cat owners see their pets refusing to put weight on the injured limb, crying out, or favoring that limb, they should make an appointment with the vet. It’s likely they’ve inherited this behaviour from their wild ancestors as cats in the wild who are suffering from an injury will often try to hide it in an attempt to dupe predators into thinking they’re not. What can i given for the pian until i see a vet?