My Cat S Ears Are Hot. Generally, cats have higher temperatures than humans. Sometimes, this question confuse the owners, and make them worried about their cat.

It is easy to freak out about your pet’s health when you notice something you have never noticed before, but don’t worry, most of the time it is perfectly normal for your cat to have hot ears. My cat's ears are hot a red if your cat's ears are not only warm to the touch, but redder than usual, it is likely due to one of two main causes (although there are potentially others): Facts on cat ears and temperature.
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Hot ears is sometimes a sign of a fever related to a viral infection and you can check if the cat has a fever by feeling other parts of their body to see if they are also warmer than usual. If your cat’s ears are very hot because the weather is hot, you probably have nothing to worry about. Pets are our children after all. A possible cause is a fever which results in elevated body temperature.