My Cat S Nose Is Dry. Look for lathargy, pale gums, irregular breathing. Cat owners tend to be worried when their feline friends don’t have a wet nose.

Cat owners frequently ask if a dry, warm nose means their cat is sick. A cat’s nose changing color has a range of explanations. Nold weighs in on your cat’s breed and how their dry nose may be connected.
Warm weather can also affect the moisture in a cat’s nose.
The fact that he is eating very little and is lethargic makes me worry that he needs to see the vet. If you are a keen owner you will certainly observe even minute details, like a dry nose. A healthy cat's nose can vary between wet and dry several times over the course of a day. A false positive which claims any time a cat ha a dry nose it is, therefore, sick.if you want to know whether or not your cat is sick, you cannot simply test their nose.