Natural Dewormer For Feral Cats. They assume that cats living in the wild will have been exposed for the worms and will treat it accordingly. There are many over the counter deworming medications for cats, but many pet owners prefer natural remedies that are less expensive, safer and just as effective.

There are many over the counter deworming medications for cats, but many pet owners prefer natural remedies that are less expensive, safer and just as effective. You bet it does.worms don’t stand a chance. Neither is a great option in many situations, because you can’t usually catch all the animals (and feral cats aren’t always the nicest to handle…), or they might not get the proper dose of drug if its given in.
Feral cats are susceptible to several different kinds of parasites, including roundworms, coccidia, and giardia.
The average feral cat weighs eight pounds, so multiply the number of cats by eight to get total weight. Most times, vets will routinely treat a feral cat for worms, even without testing for the parasites. It’s suitable for cats over six weeks of age, but not for pregnant or nursing cats. Roundworms are the most common parasites in cats, and they are responsible for almost 75% of all worm infestations.