Normal Canine Fetal Heart Rate. This can cause organ failure and ultimately death. In human medicine, the fetal hr normally oscillates during labor in transient accelerations and decelerations associated with uterine contractions.

Normal fetal heart rate is generally two to three times that of the pregnant bitch and greater than 220 beats per minute (bpm); A large drop which causes dizziness or other symptoms should be investigated. Values between 180 and 220 bpm indicate moderate fetal stress while.
Fetuses in two english bulldogs in group 2 (2/9) (bitches 4 and 5) had fetal distress antepartum.
Unnecessary stress on a dog's body can be avoided with a normal heart rate. Tachycardia in dogs is, simply put, an abnormally rapid heart rate. The fetal heart rate should be monitored throughout pregnancy and taken at every prenatal appointment. If a dog's heart is beating too slowly, enough blood isn't being provided to the entire body.