Old English Bulldog Vs English Bulldog. Help our free service by spreading information about dog breeds. I kept olde tymes for a while before deciding to go back to dobermanns, lost my last one last year, who was an olde tyme bulldog from mollett.

Facts about the olde english bulldogge dog breed in 1971, pennsylvania native david leavitt set out to create an english bulldog in the traditional sense — less intense, more nimble and healthier. Quick summary below are a few quick comparisons between the two breeds. He also wanted to ensure the breed wouldn’t have breathing.
The french and english bulldog is friendly, loyal, and intelligent, but that is where the temperament similarities end.
The bulldog is a breed with naturally giant head and shoulders alongside an articulated mandibular pragmatism. American bulldog vs english bulldog. The english bulldog is a relatively recently developed animal designed strictly for the show ring. Olde english bulldogge is originated from united states but english bulldog is originated from united kingdom.