Olive Oil For Cats Itchy Skin. Olive oil has excellent moisturizing properties that will help improve the shine and softness of your cat’s coat. Although olive oil intake should not have any side effects on cats, we should talk to our local veterinarian first as the oil could cause itchiness and irritation of cat’s skin in some cases.

Olive oil is just a concentrated source of fat and, thus, it's high in calories. I recommend coconut oil for cats itchy skin since it includes lauric acid, which assists the body to reduce its yeast production. However, if your cat develops a skin condition, coconut oil is a natural remedy that can be applied topically or given orally to improve skin and coat.
I suspect the loose stools are from him grooming off the olive oil.
If your dog suffers from dry, flaky skin due to allergies, fleas, sensitivity to shampoos, or stress or hormonal changes, olive oil has been shown to help. If your cat has flaky or dry skin olive oil can easily relieve these symptoms. This oil can help to cover bald spots and boost circulation into the scalp. Cat skin contains natural oils that keep the coat shiny and healthy and prevent dry, itchy skin.