Olive Oil For Cats Matted Fur. I can tell you from now, this is not a good idea. Mats are tricky because different cats have different temperaments, so while one kitty might love being combed at home for hours on end, another might need a trip to the groomers to get rid of their mats.

Do your best to work through the matted hair and then you have a clean slate to keep up on brushing so less matting happens. After many purchases of brushes, combs and grooming products causing my cats more stress while trying to get stubborn matts out of their fur ( 4 norwegian forest cats ) i finally tried olive oil. For a mild bout of constipation, a quarter teaspoonful of olive oil can be given for acute treatment but cats require animal fat sources, not plant oils, so olive oil is not suitable for ongoing care.
The oil should sit in the cat's fur and soak into the mat for at least an hour or longer to give it a chance to work on the mat.
After many purchases of brushes, combs and grooming products causing my cats more stress while trying to get stubborn matts out of their fur ( 4 norwegian forest cats ) i finally tried olive oil. A small amount of calories come from saturated fat. This oil is helpful for minimizing hairballs, protecting skin, reducing inflammation and even helping with ear infections. It is cheap, quick and easy to use and can provide some excellent results if you are patient.