Pants For Cats That Spray. Is your cat getting older and starting to have accidents due to incontinence? Washable cat diapers, stud pants.

Cats aren't particularly fond of wearing piddle pants at first, but i highly recommend them over the need to clean furniture or carpeting frequently or put an otherwise happy cat to sleep. From there, you can apply a stronger cleaner as necessary. * stud pants for cats feline stud pants are a great solution for the male cat who sprays, a cat that urinates 'outside the box', or even as a form of kitty contraception.
Bought the stud pants from castle paws design that fit much better and use maxi pads (which are much cheaper than.
Spray it occasionally in the soil and your cats will definitely leave your plants alone. This way, cats rarely have to meet up with each other. One small spray of sentry stop that! If you use flagline or another scented repellent, mix it into your soil and mulch.