Peace Lily Cats Kidney. And though they may be beautiful to look at, a cat could die of kidney failure if he should eat any part of these toxic species and not receive treatment immediately. It should be noted that a mauna loa peace lily is not a true lily, and does not contain the same toxins found in lilies that lead to kidney failure.

Studies suggest that the way a cat metabolizes food may contribute to the problem. With exception to peace lily and calla lily, all other lily varieties are major threats to cats, causing kidney failure and death. In fact, as little as two leaves can make your cat sick.
Within minutes to hours of ingesting part of the lily plant, your cat may vomit, become lethargic, or develop a lack of appetite.
The toxin within the lily is water soluble and causes renal tubular epithelial cells (tecs) to. All parts of sago palm are considered poisonous, with the seeds (nuts) being the most toxic part of the. A lovely plant with lush, deep green leaves, peace lily (spathiphyllum) is prized for its ability to survive nearly any indoor growing condition, including low light and neglect.unfortunately, peace lily and cats are a bad combination, as peace lily is indeed toxic to cats (and dogs, too). While the poisonous component has not yet been identified, it is clear that even with ingestions of very small amounts of the plant, severe kidney damage could result.