Pet Friendly Carpet Powder. July 18, 2018 by jodi. Carpet powder is great for pet owners because it can deodorize and neutralize common odors from accidents on carpet.

But it’s not a perfect world and unfortunately we are exposed to hundreds of toxins/chemicals every day of our lives. Also can be used on upholstery, automobile interiors and drapes. Conclusively, the choosing capture carpet cleaner powder has a clear advantage over others.
It is completely pet friendly, natural and will leave your carpet and home smelling amazing!
Before sprinkling the powder please make sure that the surface you are treating is dry. Resolve pet carpet cleaner powder, for dirt stain & odor removal 4.4 out of 5 stars 1,760. Should your pet accidentally come in contact with the freshly applied powder, we recommend washing the paws with mild soap and water to avoid minor skin irritation. Now smartstrand is an even smarter choice for pets and pet owners.