Puppy First Bath. It simply serves to teach them that grooming isn’t scary. If you're nervous about your puppy's first bath, don't fret.

A wet sudsy puppy is very cute to us, but your puppy may feel uncomfortable the first time it has a bath. However, you should ideally bathe a puppy only every 20 to 60 days.this is because dogs have a layer of fat that protects their skin.if you bath your puppy too much, you run the risk of destroying this protective layer. Small puppies don’t need daily baths in the same way that human babies do.
Your pup may be nervous to take part in their first bath, so you may need to have some treats ready to go as a form of encouragement.
Giving your puppy their first bath is something you need to do when you have time to give your puppy the love and attention they need so they begin to think of bathtime. Place a drizzle of shampoo on your puppy’s back and try to work it in. You can even offer them treats throughout the bathing process, which can help to keep them cheerful and less fearful of the process. It’s better to let your puppy’s mood guide the bath.