Raw Food Diet For Cats. Northwest naturals freeze dried raw cat food nibbles, on the other hand, contain just raw meat plus vitamins, minerals, and a few additional binder ingredients.in line with the raw food ethos, they contain a wide range of parts of the animal, including bone and organ meat. Wild cats do eat a varied diet in the wild including organs, brains, small mammals, birds, fish, snakes other reptiles, insects and occasionally stomach and intestines of mice and other rodents.

A lot of people who feed their dogs a raw diet do so because they see it as being a more “natural” option to traditional dog food. A raw food diet for cats typically consists of uncooked animal products such as ground up bones, flesh, organs and muscle meat. People who are against cooked food are concerned about the loss of nutrients in their cats diet.
People who are against cooked food are concerned about the loss of nutrients in their cats diet.
Feeding cats a raw diet means feeding them uncooked animal muscle meat, organ meat, and bones. The following recipe was developed by pierson. For more guidelines in making this food, go to www.catinfo.org. We’ve been feeding our male and female cats (siblings) a raw food diet (darwin’s) for about 6 months.