Rescue Remedy For Cats. Rescue remedy is the most commonly used remedy for cats, as it is an obvious way of keeping a cat calm in a difficult situation. To use it, simply place 4 drops directly into your cats mouth.
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The dosage of rescue remedy® pet does not depend on the weight or type of animal. Bach flower rescue remedy this is the “human” bach flower rescue remedy. Suitable for use with the following animals:
The dosage instructions do not depend on the size of the pet.
Going to the vet, the groomer, thunderstorms and during fireworks.we have heard fantastic stories from people giving rescue remedy to their dogs when having seizures. Rescue remedy is great to have on hand. Rescue remedy for pets is safe for dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, birds and lizards. As i posted in other threads, my 7 year old female cat has been having constipation for a few weeks, with yet to resolve it.