Siamese Cat Eyes. Siamese cats come from the ancient kingdom of siam (currently thailand), where it's said that this breed could only be owned by royalty. The tabby points are said to be the tabby version of any of the nine basic colors of siamese cat.

But it turns out that the siamese cats carrying hidden genes for copper eyes will produce melanin in larger trace amounts than siamese cats carrying. The striking ocean deep eyes of siamese cats can easily make anyone wonder why do siamese cats have blue eyes.everyone wants to know the mystery behind siamese cat blue eyes as they add charms to the already refined elegance and exceptional style of these cats. The blue eyes on a siamese cat are a result of the gene allele that affects their entire body.
With the emerging hybrid breeds of the siamese cats, it also can get one thinking that do all siamese cats have blue eyes.
Their albino genes determine the color of both their fur and eyes. Siamese cats have astounding blue eyes, and the albino genes are responsible for this phenomenon. This is actually perceived as normal for a siamese cat. But it turns out that the siamese cats carrying hidden genes for copper eyes will produce melanin in larger trace amounts than siamese cats carrying.