St Peter The Apostle. Peter the apostle catholic high school is located in ,. Our current church, north of the parish hall, was completed in december of 1991 and was dedicated by bishop john mccarthy on february 9, 1992.

Chaldean catholic eparchy of st peter the apostle serving chaldeans and assyrians in the western united states. Peter the apostle parish, a communion of cultures united by the love of christ. It has grown from a mere handful of families to approximately 645 families today.
Peter the apostle catholic high school is located in ,.
Peter the apostle parish established in 1907 has evolved from a background enriched in african american heritage. St peter the apostle entry and break system. Writing probably toward the end of the second century c.e.—so, around 170 or 180 c.e.—gaius tells about the wondrous things in rome, including something. The apostle peter (also known as saint peter, simon peter, and cephas) was one of the 12 main disciples of jesus christ, and along with james and john, he was one of jesus’ closest companions.after the resurrection, peter became one of the most influential christian leaders in the first century, and according to catholic tradition, he was also the first pope.