Treating Cherry Eye In Cats. Cats that are regularly exposed to other cats with viral infections are more prone to develop the disease. Cats can get cherry eye too, commonly in persians and others with a flatter face.

Luckily, there are effective cat eye infection home remedies. It is also seen in burmese cats. There are three common options for treating cherry eye.
X research source to give your cat eye drops , hold her gently yet firmly in your lap or place her on a sturdy flat surface.
This protrusion happens when your cat’s third eyelid is displaced and the underlying gland pushes outward and becomes visible. Prolapse of the third eyelid gland is not life threatening condition, many patients endure it for months or even years before the proper treatment. While humans get along fine with just two lids, dogs, cats, and other animals rely on the gland in the third eye lid to maintain good vision and eye health. Unfortunately, cherry eye is not preventable.